נוסח ברכת כלה באנגלית

למידע נוסף השאירו פרטים 👇

ברכת כלה באנגלית – אופציה מספר 1 – Bride's prayer jewish NO. 1:

Hashem brings singles home. And G-d said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And Hashem created man in His image, in the image of Hashem, He created him. And Hashem fashioned the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman, and He brought her to the man." And Hashem blessed them. And he said to them: "Be fruitful and multiply and fill up the earth." You are Hashem, the great, mighty and awesome G-d. You made the heaven and the earth. You are the creator of man and you breathed into him spirit and soul and created man and woman and inscribed in them Your holy name. amen


ברכת כלה באנגלית – אופציה מספר 2 – A Bride's Tefillah:

In order to teach as follows: " זכו שכינה בניהם " If they are worthy and purified themselvesthen the Schechina will be upon them." Therefore I ____ stand before you today, Hashem the holy G-d, ready in holiness and purity according to the law of Moshe and Israel your servants, to enter the Chupa with _____ my husband. I hereby cast prayer and supplications before your holy throne at this time that you forgive me and my husband for all of our iniquities and erros and guilts, as it is written: "He found a wife, he found good." Derived that my marriage will be successful may I merit to build a home like Rachel and LEah who both built the Jewish home, and may I grow with my husband. And may we fulfill the passage in Israel in your glory, Amen.

The Kallah Whisperer

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